On a beautiful day in Tampa, a group of pirate girls took over the docks. These girls were not your average pirates, though. They were beautiful, confident, and full of life. They were also very photogenic, and they took full advantage of the opportunity to have their pictures taken.

The girls had so much fun taking their pictures that they didn’t even notice the time passing. By the time they were finished, it was late afternoon. They were all tired, but they were also very happy. They had had a great day out on the docks, and they had made some memories that would last a lifetime.

After their photo shoot, the girls went back to Mike’s Rum Bar in Tampa to relax and enjoy some drinks. They were all very thirsty after their long day of exploring, and they were happy to have a cold drink in their hands. They sat around and talked for hours, laughing and telling stories about their day.

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